原标题:珠海港(5.470, 0.00, 0.00%)氯化物进口报关清关操作流程/清关资料【通关指南】
许多人对于进口报关的资料和流程可能存在一些疑问和困惑。在这里,危险品资深进口顾问Carrey将向大家介绍珠海港氯化物进口报关的相关知识,希望能够为大家提供帮助和指导!Note: This article provides a bilingual comparison between Chinese and English.
The following are some information and documents required forcustoms declaration:
1. Commercial contracts, packing lists, and other commercial related documents to prove the source and transaction status of your goods.
2. The power of attorney for customs declaration and inspection is used to authorize relevant institutions to handle customs declaration and inspection procedures on your behalf.
3. Import and export management rights prove that you have the qualifications and authority to engage in import and export trade.
4. Certificate of origin is used to prove the origin of your goods, so as to enjoy relevant tariff preferences or trade agreement treatment.
5. The registration number of the supplier in China is used to confirm that the supplier is legally registered and operates in compliance with regulations in China.
1、港口抵达(Port Arrival)
2、缴纳运费并与船务代理办理单证手续(Payment of Freight and Handling Documentation with Shipping Agent)
3、进行报检、报关和货物申报(Inspection, Customs Declaration, and Goods Declaration)
4、海关审定并开具税单(Customs Approval and Issuance of Tax Invoice)
5、缴纳税款(Payment of Taxes)
6、海关查验货柜(Customs Inspection of Containers)
7、完成货物放行手续(Completion of Goods Release Procedures)
8、提取货物(Goods Retrieval)
9、将货物送至国内指定地点(Delivery of Goods to Designated Domestic Location)
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